Top 10 Clients For MCPE 1.19! - Minecraft Bedrock Edition

Top 10 Clients For MCPE 1.19! - Minecraft Bedrock Edition

10 Solar Client

This client has a yellow theme to it and looks amazing! a client for mcpe called solar client with features such as fps boost, better ui, quick settings, advachat, mod menu, direction hud, armor hud, cosmetics (custom cape) freelook , greenscreen, chroma enchant glint, f1 button and more.

Join the discord server and look under the "download" tab.


#9 Fire Client

This client ccomes with many extensions and includes a hitbox, simple textures, new homescreen with clouds on them, static fire, highlighted ores, new settings ui, hitbox, etc.


#8 Faith Client

This client has some of the smoothest animation for a client. We have a new homescreen. While most of the textures remain the same as the vanilla minecraft, we get new settings UI that looks amazing! This client is still in beta so expect updates and improvements soon 


#7 Pumpkin Client

This client comes with many extensions such as capes, halo, hitcolor, crosshair, wings, new chat settings, etc. The homescreen is made to be in the theme of a pumpkin

Be sure to look under the comments or description for the download


#6 Star Client

Star client is a simple client with lots of new UI, features, and much more.


We have a new homescreen where the buttons are rearanged and made to be in the center of the screen. This client comes with fps boosts, new dark ui, static fire, new quick settings, etc


#5 FryBry 200k Client

The YouTuber FryBry has just surpassed 200,000 subscribers on YouTube and to celebrate this milestone FryBry and his team made a Minecraft client for the entire Minecraft Bedrock Edition community. This client enhances the Minecraft Bedrock experience by adding many unique features that improves performance, graphics and the user interface. This client will work on any version of Minecraft Bedrock Edition above the 1.18 Caves and Cliffs Part 2 Update. What makes this client unique is that it is a charity client! (more on that later on in the article)


- Keystrokes

- FPS Boost

- Custom Cosmetics

- Built in compass

- New user interface

- Full bright

- Shorter swords

- Highlighted ores


Right after loading in the client you will notice that we have a blue galaxy themed backdrop and a completely rearranged home screen. For starters, all the buttons including the "play" button, the "settings" button, the "information" button and "profile" button. Our player character can be seen in the center of the screen with amazing custom cosmetics. Right above our player character we are able to see text that says "FRYBRY" in a blocky font. 



#4 Ayang Client

This is an anime themed client that has a band new homescreen. It has a built in compass and clock, rgb clock, new settings, etc


#3 Demon Client


The Demon Client has been a long time coming, with development being started 2 years ago. The Demon Client is a fan favorite multi-platform bedrock client with over 50+ mods included. The Demon Client is a solo project, utilizing mods by other developers. All developers have given permission for their mods to be used, and everyone is credited.

Demon Is The Best Bedrock Client, Period

Here's A Few Screenshots, And Some Information About The Client

Music Player

Demon V5.2 Introduces The All New Updated Music Player UI. To Acess This, Simpilly Open The Emote Screen.

It Now Works On All Platforms, And Is Fully Customizable With The Ability To Add Custom Music.

Please Note:

All creators have given permission for their work to be used in this client. I have DMed each individual creator about using their work in the client. I do not claim to own any of the used scripts, further information about who created what can also be found in the Credits tab within the client. Please also note that this pack is not new, and has existed for a while on its own website, therefore different mods have been added at different times over a long 2 year lifetime.


If you are a creator whom has not been rightfully credited, please keep in mind that it may very well have been a mistake, and we may have just forgotten to add your name to the list as updating credits is usually one of the last things we do before release. If this is the case, please DM me personally via discord (Demon xModRx#1401) so we can either add your name to the list ASAP, or simply remove your work all together.


#2 Saturn Client

This is an amazing client with dozens of features and amazing things to do




This client has a built in compass, block, armor hud, new settings, etc


#1 Optinu Client

Optinu Client For MCPE 1.19!

This is an amazing client with many features such as:

- new ui

- new homescreen

- new settings

- health indicator

- f1, f5 buttons


new logo, panaroma, etc


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