The Ty-el's Settings Overlay UI Pack

The Ty-el's Settings Overlay UI Pack is an UI treatment pack for Vanilla UI, unlike normal, this pack adds some magical screen properties to in-game Settings Screen to get Camera Perspective toggle on HUD (YES!) and instant Settings button! Pack only works for devices having Touch Capabilities, and compatible with many other UI packs too!

Creator: @tlgm2308 (Twitter)


Read carefully before download and use, or you won't use the pack correctly!



IMPORTANT! If you are playing on version 1.18.30 or newer, you will need to change your game Touch Control Schemes' Interaction Model to Classic, if not, this pack will be unusable.

- This pack is made only for devices with Touch capabilities, it can be on your phone, tablet, or on PC but supports Touch, etc.

- There's 2 download files, one for 1.18.30 and newer, and one for 1.14 up to 1.18.12. Make sure you choose the correct version of the pack in order to make the pack works as intended.

- Game may be very laggy if you are playing on some low-end devices. 


Showcase Trailer

(Credits are in description of this video)


How to use?

  • Usage is very easy! Make sure you are in a world, and tap the Pause button to open Pause Screen.
  • Then tap on Enable Settings Overlay button. (it could be Settings or Options, depending on your top most packs)
  • (Wait a bit, it can take a little bit of time the first time you open it.)


  • The toast "Settings Overlay enabled successfully!" will pop up and 3 new buttons will show up on the top of the screen.


  • The first button at the left most is Camera Perspective toggle! You can freely change your person perspective when playing!

Animated GIF of Camera Perspective toggle


  • The second button near the right most having gear icon is Settings button. You can modify world settings, game settings there. This is called instant Settings!


  • The last button having the "x" icon is Quit Settings button, which remove Settings Overlay, back to normal gameplay and bring you back automatically to Pause Screen. This button is mainly for troubleshooting UI issues, like screen duplications when you open Settings Overlay many times.


  • Maybe I can add more features soon? Let me know!


Packs Compatibility

The Ty-el's Settings Overlay UI Pack is compatible with most UI packs! But make sure you put my UI pack below those packs.

It can be like this:


Known Issues

- Once you enter the world, you won't get Settings Overlay feature automatically enabled, you need to enable it manually. This is impossible to make it automated.

- You will always get the D-Pad when in ingame Settings Screen, and you still can interact with the world even when you toggled it on, I don't know if I can fix it by adding bindings to base screen.

- Settings Overlay will automatically disappear once you trigger Entering the Nether or the End screen, or after you leave your world. This is impossible to fix.


There's 2 download files, one for 1.18.30 and newer, named "Tyel_SettingsOverlay_1.18.30.mcpack", and one for 1.14 up to 1.18.12, named "Tyel_SettingsOverlay_1.14to1.18.12.mcpack". Make sure you choose the correct version of the pack in order to make the pack works as intended.

Downloads (tải về)

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