OptiFine RK v5.1 Official

The OptiFine RK is a optimizer pack made for improve performance and improve the default ui with a vanilla look. It modifies and / or removes unnecessary game features such as particles and animations in order to increase game performance as much as possible.

What is?

The OptiFine RK is optimizer pack made for improve performance and improve the default ui with a vanilla look. Made by PhantomRK.

It modifies and / or removes unnecessary game features such as particles and animations in order to increase game performance as much as possible.



- Add new start screen.

- Add new settings screen.

- Add quick settings.

- Add new and organize settings sections.

- Add new pause screen.

- Add back, next and tab buttons to chat.

- Add quick crafting button.

- Add quick trade button.

- Makes the spyglass interface transparent.

- Makes pumpkin interface transparent.

- And more


Start screen:



Settings screen:




Pause screen:


Optimization methods:

- Delete particles. 

- Delete seagrass texture.

- Delete tallgrass textures.

- Remove animations.

- Reduces the quality of distance vision.

- And much more!

Sadly due to the Render Dagon engine this following methods don´t work any more  :/

- Ignore the texture of the water and make it a flat color.

- Add gradient in the transparency of the water from a distance.

- Add more fog.

- Optimize entities.

- Optimize the default shaders.




Client Style Complement:





If you are going to review, you are totally prohibited from using a direct link or another link that is not the original.

Made by PhantomRK

Youtube: Click Here

Discord: PhantomRK#7767







The OptiFine RK does NOT work on all devices. If it doesn't work for you please DO NOT create hate towards the pack unnecessarily.



Select version for changelog:

ChangelogView more

v5.0 Official

- New icon

- New title

- New panorama

- New totem texture

- New 3D style texture for the buttons.

- New startup animation.

- New start screen.

- Pause interface recreated.

- Chat interface recreated.

- Updated settings interface.

- New background (Client Style)

- New subpacks with different panoramas and textures

- Various minor changes (Client Style)

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