Arath's Guns Add-on
With this add-on, add to your Minecraft a new vehicle that allows you to drive on water and on land called a hovercraft, you can do it in survival mode and it has several styles.Credits: ArathNido (Youtube) (Twitter) Warning: this add-on was published on MCPEDL.COM, you are not allowed to publish this add-on on other Minecraft add-on websites or applications without the creator's permission. If you will review this addon for youtube, leave credits, post mcpedl download link and do not post direct download link or create your own download link or you will receive a complaint.
To get a hovercraft you will need a hovercraft shop computer and an ATM, the ATM will offer you minerals for gold coins, with those coins you use the computer to buy a hovercraft.
WW2 Weapon Table

Modern Weapon Table

Ammo box:
It allows you to make bullets, cartridges and missiles and then make magazines for weapons.

All your recipes will be displayed from the weapons section.

Interacting with a weapon crate will show you the materials required to craft weapons and chargers.

When using a weapon you can shoot using the interaction button (right click on Windows 10), in the player's HUD it will show you your ammo counter, when the counter reaches 0 it will show as "NO AMMO", to reload you need Add your charger to the second hand, then hold the crouch button and the interact button.

There are weapons that have an additional M203 grenade launcher equipped, at the moment only an M203 can be equipped to the Scar and M16 (Crafting is done from the weapon box). To fire a grenade you must equip a grenade on the second grenade, press the crouch button and the interact button.

Information about weapons
WW2 Weapons:
Features :
- Damage: 10
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Charger: Thompson Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Golden thompson
Features :
- Damage: 22
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Magazine: Golden Thompson Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Luger 9mm
Features :
- Damage: 7
- Bullet capacity : 8
- Magazine: Luger Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.7
Mauser C96
Features :
- Damage: 7
- Bullet capacity : 12
- Magazine: Mauser C96 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Winchester Shotgun
Features :
- Damage: 24 (15 area damage)
- Bullet capacity : 5
- Charger: Cartridges
- Fire speed: 1.5
Sturmgewehr 44
Features :
- Damage: 12
- Bullet Capacity : 30
- Magazine: Sturmgewehr 44 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Explosion power: 8
- Bullet capacity : 1
- Charger: Rocket
- Rate of fire: 1.0
- Modern weapons:
Features :
- Damage: 28 (23 AoE Damage)
- Bullet Capacity : 20
- Charger: AA12 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.12
Features :
- Damage: 19
- Bullet Capacity : 40
- Magazine: AK47 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Damage: 6
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Magazine: UZI Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Golden UZI
Features :
- Damage: 12
- Bullet Capacity : 50
- Magazine: Golden UZI Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Explosion power: 8
- Bullet capacity : 4
- Magazine: 202 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.0
Grenade launcher
Features :
- Explosive power: 3
- Bullet capacity : 8
- Charger: Grenade Bullets
- Gravity: 1.5
Features :
- Damage: 21
- Bullet capacity: 30
- Magazine: M4A1 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Damage: 14
- Bullet capacity: 50
- Magazine: M16 Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
M16 & M203
Features :
- Damage: 14
- Bullet capacity: 50
- Magazine: M16 Ammo
- Equipped with a grenade launcher
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Damage: 19
- Bullet capacity: 60
- Magazine: Scar Ammo
- Fire speed: 0.1
Scar & M203
Features :
- Damage: 19
- Bullet capacity: 60
- Magazine: Scar Ammo
- Equipped with a grenade launcher
- Fire speed: 0.1
Features :
- Damage: 16
- Bullet capacity: 7
- Magazine: Light bullets
- Fire speed: 0.9
Features :
- Damage: 26 (15 area damage )
- Bullet Capacity: 5
- Charger: Cartridges
- Rate of fire: 1.5
Saiga 12
Features :
- Damage: 28
- Bullet capacity: 10
- Magazine: Saiga 12 Ammo
- Rate of fire: 1.5
- Download Resources .McPack.
- Download Behaviors .McPack.
- Apply the packs for a world.
- Enable "Experimental Gameplay" in the world settings
- Create the world.
Downloads (tải về)
- Arath's Guns TexturePack
- Arath's Guns BehaviorPack
- Arath's Guns TexturePack (DP)
- Arath's Guns BehaviorPack (DP)
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