Music Player

Ever wanted to play Minecraft music on-demand? With this resource pack, you can play Minecraft’s music in-game using a custom interface! This pack is made for Minecraft version 1.18+Does an update add new music? This pack will be updated!You may use the code in this pack to learn, but must not copy directly.This pack can be included in any maps as long as credit is clearly given.

To open the Music Player screen, click on the small note button on the start or pause screens.

The songs are categorised into their albums, dimensions, type etc:

All Music Player music's volume is controlled by the 'Sound' settings sound slider.

To play a song, click the play button next to the music's duration.

Music won't stop playing if you exit the UI, to stop it, press the square stop icon on the song.

Music will only be played for the person who clicks play. The music won't fade away if you go far from where it started playing.


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