Environment Sounds Pack v2
This resource pack will fill your minecraft worlds with relaxing ambient sounds and also improves some of the in-game sounds like rain and others. This is not an addon and can be used in your survival worlds.

If you are wondering how it works, it works by REPLACING some of the sounds that mobs make. They make ambient sounds according to their biomes and time at which they spawn.
Following sounds are made by following mobs:
- Birds chirping: chickens, pigs, cows
- Rustling of leaves: chickens, sheeps, cows
- Plain wind sounds: sheeps
- Mountain wind sounds: goats
- Hawk and desert wind sounds: husks
- Tropical jungle sounds: ocelots
- Owl and ambient night sounds: zombies
- Wolf howl: skeletons
- Water surfing and seagull sounds: turtles
- Water dripping and echoing bat sounds: bats
Other sounds:
- Improved rain sounds
- Improved water flowing sounds
- Echoing walking on stone sounds
Video Review:
Watch this video to hear all the sounds. (Use headphones)
More info:
- Animals still have some of their respective sounds, not all of their sounds have been replaced.
- Even if you kill the mob which makes sound, the sound will stay until it is completed(some are 2-3 min long).
- Even if you walk on stone in broad daylight, it will have an echoing sound.
Terms of use!:
- If you want to use this in a video then give the link to this mcpedl page, not the direct link or any custom link.
- You are not allowed to use any of the textures,code or modify this pack, except for personal use.
- This pack only belongs to MCPEDL and you are not allowed to publish it on ANY other website without my permission.
If you dont follow, I WILL find you and sue you.
Please report any bugs,give suggestions or contact me on my Youtube or Discord: Fused Bolt#9525.
Select version for changelog:
When you click on the link, you will be redirected to Linkvertise. Scroll down and click on Free Access with Ads. You will be sent to another page then click on View Articles and wait for a few seconds. Then click on X and click on Continue then you will be redirected to Mediafire from there download the pack and open it , it will automatically import to your Minecraft.
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